RDP 2014 – 2020
Off the first announcement of the new RDP: incentives for the competitiveness of companies agricultural The new RDP of Lombardy, approved by the EU Commission on 15 July and enforced of Dgr 3895 of 24 July , has become fully operational with the issuance the notice concerning Measures to 4.1.01 (Incentives for investment profitability, competitiveness and sustainability of farms), which took place on July 31. Particularly with Decree No. 6532 on July 31st 2015 Lombardy Region has approved the implementing provisions of this measure, setting access mode, contributing percentages and deadlines for submission of applications. In detail can apply for the measure 4.1.01 individual entrepreneurs and agricultural societies of persons, companies or cooperatives.
The contribution, expressed as a percentage of eligible expenditure, varies from 35% to 55%, based on the type company (conducted by young or not young) and the location of company applicant (area not disadvantaged or disadvantaged area of the mountain).
The total budget amounts to € 60 million, of which
a) € 20 million for the applications submitted by applicants conductors of companies disadvantaged areas mountain.
b) € 40 million for applications from applicants who leads companies not in the mountain.
For access to financing questions are ordered in two regional lists decreasing inherent in a “mountain farms” and inherent in “companies other than mountain”, drawn up on the basis of the scoring, whose attribution is done by evaluating the order
a) the quality requirements of the interventions required and described in the technical report (Business Plan);
b) the production sector concerned by the measure requested;
c) the characteristics of the applicant and the company.
The maximum of eligible expenditure for each beneficiary contribution is equal to:
- € 3 million per application;
- € 6 million for the entire programming period 2014-2020.
Each applicant may only submit one application for a contribution, sending it to the Province / Metropolitan City of Milan in whose territory the intervention takes place from September 3, 2015 to November 3, 2015. The application must be submitted exclusively by electronic means through the completion of the application in this computerized Information System of Knowledge of the Lombardy Region (SISCO).
For more information: http://www.agricoltura.regione.lombardia.it/shared/ccurl/972/717/Pagine%20da%20SEO33_10-08-2015.pdf