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The importance of milk

The importance of milk

Bertasi works every day to improve the systems of breeding of dairy cows, cows and goats, real core business of the company.
Because for us it is a vocation to innovate an interesting area such as livestock? The reason is obvious: because the fruit of our work, if done with love and professionalism, contributes to the production of a good food and important for the growth of smaller, healthier lives and the health of older adults: milk.
Milk is one of the most complete foods and nutrients and its many properties have been known since ancient times. It is consumed at any age and in large quantities and is recommended especially for children and seniors, but is loved by athletes as a soft drink (apart from its beneficial properties) due to its high water content.

Milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D (essential for the formation of bones and teeth), vitamins A and B and contains all the amino acids that are used by the body for staying healthy. Lactose is the milk sugar (found only in this food) and fat contained therein differs from all the others because fat is used in an effective manner by the body and easy to digest.
One liter of full cream milk generally contains 35 grams of protein, 37grammi of fat, 45 grams of sugar and 10 grams of mineral salts. The beneficial properties of milk are known to all, but this food, as already mentioned, is particularly suitable for the proper development of bones and teeth; also promotes blood coagulation and provides, especially to those who burn a lot of calories, the energy needed to carry out physical activities. Lactalbumin, casein and calcium are the proteins contained in it and with regard to vitamins, are present in it the B2, B12 and A.

Particular importance is the significant amount of calcium present in this drink, easy to absorb and well used by the body. Phosphorus is an equally important mineral found in milk and also contributes to the construction and maintenance of teeth and bones. Milk is considered a complete food, its protein, represented by casein (80%) and lactalbumin (20%), represents a third of the average daily liquidity needs of an individual. Finally in it they are also present carbohydrates, in the form of lactose, particularly important for the development of the nervous tissue in the first few months of life.
Goat’s milk is a great alternative to cow’s milk and similar beverages (such as plant soy, rice and almond). Satisfies in every individual nutritional needs specific to age, lifestyle, physical activity and health. Goat’s milk is well tolerated and is renowned for its high digestibility of fat, for the contribution of calcium and phosphorus for optimum bone mineralization, and the richness in vitamins. Goat’s milk, after the donkey, is more like mother’s milk, so ideal for children.

It is a milk to be discovered and appreciate its quality. Goat’s milk has a rather strong taste, and varies greatly depending on breeds of goats. The most commonly used to produce milk are Camosciata of the Alps, the Saanen and Alpina. Main use: Goat’s milk is used just like cow’s milk. With goat milk can be produced yogurt, butter and other derivatives, such as goat cheese (caprino) and the greek feta. There are also other uses, especially in cosmetics, with the production of products for the care of the skin with cashmere goat milk.

Il benessere è essenziale per la salute e il comportamento degli animali e per facilitare il lavoro dell’allevatore. BERTASI parte da questo presupposto per ideare ed innovare continuamente i suoi sistemi personalizzati e dedicati al fine di aiutarvi a controllare in modo ottimale la produzione di latte e di carne della massima qualità da vacche sane.


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